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Principal Consultant

Adebayo (Isaiah) Okunlola is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Megayield Nigeria Limited. He is an ExxonMobil trained and  certified Advanced Expert; Exploration, Development and Production (ED&P) Geoscientist. He retired in December 2015 as Senior Geoscience Advisor and Technical Team Lead of ExxonMobil Production Company Affliate in Nigeria; Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited after over 20 years cognate experience in upstream oil and gas industry. He has experience working in West Africa and North America handling shallow and deep water projects in Angola Lower Congo  and Nigerian Niger Delta sedimentary basins across Exploration, Development and Production phases of the Oil and Gas business. Adebayo is certified as a Geoscientist (GEM000277) by The Council of Nigerian Mining and Geoscientists (COMEG).

Adebayo is an accomplished multidisciplinary integrator, oil finder, development and production geoscientist with expertise in integrated seismic interpretation, subsurface characterization, opportunity and prospects generation. He is also skilled in resource assessments, risk and uncertainty analysis, new and mature field developments, reservoirs exploitation, asset management and production optimization. He completed  both his Bachelor's (B. Sc) and Masters (M. Sc). degrees in Applied Geophysics at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria in 1989 and 1995 respectively. He is an active member of several professional organisations; American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE) and Nigerian Minning and Geosciences Society (NMGS). He has authored and co-authored several technical publications; (1) Application of Volume Interpretation Techniques to Deepwater Reservoirs: Examples from Nigeria. (2) Geologic modeling of a Deep Water Channel Complex Using Seismic Conditioning and Geobodies:  Case Study from a Confined Channel Complex. (3) Recognition of Flow Barriers and Baffles in a Deep Water incised Channels Complex System: An Integrated Production Scale Evaluation of structural and Stratigraphic Connectivity. (4) Ullage opportunities to Sustain Yoho Asset Production, Offshore Niger Delta. (5) Optimizing Recovery of Remaining Oil in A Mature Field, Offshore Niger Delta. (6) Integrating 4D Seismic Interpretation with the Reservoir Connectivity: Case Study from Chocalho L Block.

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